Gosbecks Primary School

Gosbecks Primary School

Be the Best You Can Be

Owen Ward Close, Colchester, Essex, CO2 9DG


01206 575407

Leadership and Management

Our SENDCO has overall responsibility for SEND and inclusion. We regularly discuss SEND support and provision in the Leadership Team meetings with the Headteacher. Our SENDCO keeps a SEND register of children we identify as having a SEN and/or a disability and a record on our Provision Map of all the different ways that we provide extra support e.g.  a reading intervention or speech and language support

We carefully monitor the progress and well-being of children with SEND and the quality of our provision. For example, senior leaders observe lessons and hold discussions with teachers and support staff. If something is not working well, we change and improve our provision – we describe these changes in our School Development Plan.

The Governing Body challenges us to make sure we constantly improve the quality of provision for children with SEND and the outcomes that they achieve. We have a Governor who takes a particular responsibility for SEND matters. She meets with our SENDCO once a term and makes visits to school.  The SENDCO reports termly to the full GB.  We involve our Governors when we review and revise our SEN policy and our school report.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – (Leadership, management and governance)

  1. What funding does the school have for my child with SEND? We receive funding from the Local Authority at the start of the financial year to support children with SEND. School leaders have the responsibility to use the funding to meet the different needs of our children.
  2. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs? We have to make sure that we use this funding as effectively as possible. Our SENDCO works with staff in order to plan effective support programme. We review with parents/carers how well each child is doing and agree changes if we need to.
  3. What happens if my child’s needs change as he gets older? The starting point is to discuss these changes with the SENDCO. If the level of need is becoming higher, parents can work with the school and request an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You can find more details about assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) on the Essex local Offer website:


Leadership and Management

Specialist Services

Identification, Assessment and Planning

Access to the Curriculum and Inclusive Teaching

Access to Resources

Partnerships with Parents and Carers

Listening to Children and Young People

Managing Transitions - Joining and Leaving Our School

Providing Support for Safety, Personal Well-being, Attendance and Health