Gosbecks Primary School

Gosbecks Primary School

Be the Best You Can Be

Owen Ward Close, Colchester, Essex, CO2 9DG


01206 575407



Here at Gosbecks Primary School, the aim of religious education is to allow pupils to become independent learners, to express themselves and help them to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of a range of religions in modern Britain.


Gosbecks Primary School are committed to providing an effective, distinctive and inclusive Religious Education which follows the Essex Agreed Syllabus which is about developing ‘Religious Literacy’ as this enables pupils to hold balanced and well-informed conversations. As well as a allowing pupils to see religion and worldviews through different lenses known as ‘Multi-Disciplinary Lenses’ which are Philosophy, Theology and Human and Social Sciences. Each of the lenses ask different questions about religion and worldviews and it is important to have a balance of each of them. This syllabus supports the development of children’s knowledge of religious and non-religious beliefs and worldviews, practices and ways of life and enables pupils to make links between these. The Essex Agreed Syllabus has taken account of the school context and reflects the main religions within Gosbecks Primary School and the wider community. This syllabus does not seek to urge religious beliefs on pupils or promote one religion over another but instead promotes a positive attitude towards other people and respects their beliefs. It promotes the value and attitudes which are essential in society by developing an understanding of and having respect for others beliefs, practices, races and cultures.


Through enquiry-led sessions, our RE education explores the 3 disciplines of theology, philosophy and social human sciences inevitably progressing pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Religious education is taught regularly throughout the year over four different enquiries which explore the different lenses and religions. This is to achieve depth in learning and ensure skill development. Coverage is planned to link with key dates and religious festivals to provide opportunities to celebrate festivals and religions with a greater understanding. RE work is found in topic books and is evidenced with a variety of outcomes, including written pieces of work, artwork and photographs as some lessons are taught practically. RE enables pupils to appreciate and explore their own and others beliefs, as well as their impact on society. It helps them to develop a clearer understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as the wider world. Children are given the confidence and skills to question, debate and discuss varying viewpoints.


The RE curriculum provides the means to celebrate diversity and different religious and cultural celebrations. As pupils progress through the school, they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of different world religions in the context of the school, the local area and the wider community. Teachers work collaboratively  to deliver fun and engaging teaching of RE in order to deepen the children’s understanding of faith and belief. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the outcomes of work in pupils books, their understanding of religion and how well pupils are able to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and worldviews and ensure they are becoming more religiously literate. Children will leave school with an understanding of Christianity and of other global religions as well as non-religious views.


If you would like to discuss the RE curriculum or would like to withdraw your child from RE lessons, please make an appointment with the Headteacher via the school office.